New plaquette based on Brenner artwork
A new medallic plaquette to honor the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln has been created by Signature Art Medals of Groton, Mass.
It is based on the 1907 Lincoln plaque done by Lincoln cent designer Victor David Brenner.
Measuring 120 by 90 mm (4.75 by 3.5 inches), the plaquette is half the size of the original Brenner artwork.
On the reverse is a new design created by Don Everhart, U.S. Mint sculptor/engraver who also does freelance work.
The reverse shows Brenner as he worked to create his Lincoln portrait with the quote, “My Mind Was Full Of Lincoln” between wheat ears that look like the design devices used on the old Wheat-back cents.
The plaquette was struck by the Medallic Art Co. now based in Dayton, Nev. It is made of bronze and weighs 558 grams, or about 19.75 ounces.
It is given a patina called double brown-red chocolate by Greco Industries of Bethel, Conn., to give the appearance of the chocolate color that Lincoln cents acquire as they age and tone.
The plaquettes will be serially numbered on the edge starting with 001 up to the number of plaquettes ordered by Dec. 31, 2010, more than one year from now.
Price of the plaquette is $229 plus a $12.95 shipping and handling charge. Massachusetts residents must add sales tax.
Payment should be made by major credit card, or if ordered online by Paypal. Visit the Web site,, for details.
The firm can be reached at the mailing address P.O. Box 920, Groton, MA 01450.