Make or break day
Thursday has arrived at the Anaheim, Calif., American Numismatic Association World's Fair of Money.
How the convention is perceived will be due to events that occur today and how well or poorly they fit with what has happened so far.
Yesterday's f loor traffic looked positive. The front end of the hall with the carpeting on the floor had achieved the sound of the buzz that indicates a significant economic event.
Last night Heritage auctioned off a Birch cent for $517,000 and a silver center cent for $352,000. These are interesting rarities. Prices are significant.
But so far, results of all activity here might be defined as modestly successful. We are not living in a period of rip-roaring records. Participants simply want to pay their bills and/or make some progress on their want lists.
Table count is 447. This compares to the January Florida United Numismatists convention's 630.
For me it is always a pleasure to see old friends and make new ones. Most of the attendees who stopped by the Krause Publications table live in Southern California, but since 10 percent of ANA membership lives here, that's OK.
The most clever promotion I have seen so far on the floor was on Tuesday when each table received a box containing snacks and a bottle of water. They were passed out by Dillon Gage. Perhaps it was because I was hungry. In any case, my thanks go to Dillon Gage for breaking away from the usual fliers.
I hope other firms take up the Dillon Gage approach because I get hungry regularly.
Gold and silver have been fairly steady so there has been no panic buying or selling based on market swings. Most everyone seems to be in a thoughtful and methodical mood.
So with today bringing us to the make or break moment, let's hope there remains a great deal of unspent money that will be used to buy fresh inventory on the bourse floor. By tonight, the early leavers will be heading for the airport.