Letters to the Editor (March 7, 2017)
Note’s serial number not, in fact, mismatched
Had a call from Bob Campbell about a letter to the editor, which I have not seen, commenting about mismatched serial numbers on the note.
Hate to break anyone’s bubble, but in checking the note, it being circulated, there’s a vertical fold on the first “6” in the left serial number that makes it appear as a “1.”
The fold is also particularly noticeable when one refers to the “SERIES OF 1934” imprint on the upper left portion of the note.
Clifford Mishler
Iola, Wis.
Editor’s note: Thanks for the clarification. The image in Mr. Mishler’s column in the Jan. 24, 2017, issue looks like a mismatched serial number.
62nd annual FUN show an all-around successful event
We want to thank Florida United Numismatists board member and Convention Coordinator Cindy Wibker, President Randy Campbell and the entire FUN board of governors and General Chairman Gary Braisted for providing a free table for the American Numismatic Association at your 62nd annual coin convention held Jan. 5-8 at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Representing ANA at this convention was Executive Director Kim Kiick, Convention Director Rhonda Scurek, Conventions & Sponsorship Director Jennifer Croak and Numismatic Educator Sam Gelberd. The show was very successful for the ANA in securing tables for future conventions, receiving donations, signing up patrons and receiving sponsorships. We were able to sign up 25 new or renewing members for the association and one person converted to Life Membership.
A special thanks to Rare Coin Wholesalers for donating $100 for the shipment of the coin show kit. Thanks also to John Petrow from Miami, Fla., and John Musk of Massapequa, N.Y., for making monetary donations to the ANA.
Like all FUN conventions, this one had something for everyone. The theme, “Where the Coins Are,” was very suitable for this convention. Back in 1960 there was a movie called “Where the Boys Are.” Connie Francis sang a song in that movie, “Where the Boys Are.” The movie took place in Fort Lauderdale, and it is neat that the coin show theme was “Where the Coins Are,” right here in Fort Lauderdale. After registering, everyone received lapel pins, magnifying glass souvenirs, medals and a cloth tote bag. The large registration area was kept pretty busy during the show.
This was probably the largest FUN convention ever held with 27 rows, which included close to 600 tables of dealers (with a budget and foreign and ancient coin section), educational exhibits, U.S. Mint booth, Mike Bean and his spider press, coin club tables, grading services, Ray Dillard and his elongated rolling machine, a large YN Kids and Coins area, a panning for gold section, and several other numismatic entities.
The Heritage auction was once again very successful with all sales realizing $51 million. Quite a tally for this Dallas, Texas, based company. Heritage has locations worldwide.
We were at the show the entire time and visitor traffic and dealer business at this lead-off 2017 convention appeared to be very good. The weather was also very accommodating.
The official program was fantastic and covered everything from A to Z regarding the show. The numismatic exhibits were exceptional and well-done, as were the 16 educational programs. FUN always gives exhibitors and judges silver eagles, and the category prizes were great. Several coin clubs had meetings and educational programs during the show.
David Lisot of Coin Television videotaped the educational programs along with other events and individuals during the show. Coin Week was represented by Charles Morgan, and he had several interviews during the show. Krause Publications/F+W Media also provided many of their publications for visitors to the show, including an updated show calendar from January 2017 to January 2018. Coin World from Sidney, Ohio, also provided many of their publications to visitors. Whitman Publishing Co. from Birmingham, Ala., also had a table at the convention.
Security by PPI was excellent. Florida United Numismatists took over the Numismatic News Ambassador Award program, and several new ambassadors were honored at the breakfast that was held. The National Silver Dollar Roundtable had a harbor dinner cruise aboard the “Jungle Queen.” Both of these events were great, and the food was excellent.
FUN provided free shuttle service to the three nearby hotels. The Broward County Convention Center is a great place to have a convention. It is well-lit, very accessible and the parking structure near the facility has a reasonable price.
We didn’t hear of any incidents at the show. On Friday, a terrorist attacked the baggage area in the nearby Fort Lauderdale airport, causing several innocent people to be killed. The terrorist was taken into custody. Because of the attack the arriving and departing passengers had great delays, and all flights into and out of the airport were canceled. We flew to NYC on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. and had no problems. The coin convention had no incidents that we heard of.
From our prospective, this was definitely a bellwether lead of coin convention for 2017. The dealers appeared to do well. FUN advertises the show in many different areas both locally and nationally. FUN also provided food during set-up and coffee, donuts and fruit during the dealer morning hours.
Wibker, Campbell and the entire FUN board, along with dozens of volunteers, are to be congratulated for once again organizing and running a FUNtastic and very successful convention. Thanks again for providing ANA a free table. We look forward to the next two FUN conventions.
The dates and locations for the FUN conventions are: The 11th Annual Summer FUN Convention in the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Fla., on July 6-8, 2017. The FUN-hosted American Numismatic Association National Money Show will be held in the Orange County Convention Center on March 9-11, 2017. The 63rd Annual FUN Convention will be in the Tampa Convention Center on January 4-7, 2018. Hope to see you all at some of these important events.
John and Nancy Wilson
ANA National Volunteers
Ocala, Fla.
Boys Town home state’s interest in coin lackluster
I was at the Nebraska City, Neb., coin show yesterday manning a table for the Nebraska Numismatic Association. I used the opportunity to inform people that the Boys Town commems were going to be released on March 9. The reaction was interesting. The talk about the commems was that there was no talk. The interesting part of that is that this is from people from the home state of Boys Town and people familiar with Boys Town. When I mentioned that I had heard online that the coins will be released March 9, the unanimous reaction was “ho-hum.”
The seeming cause of the lack of interest in these coins commemorating a Nebraska landmark by Nebraskans? Unfamiliar designs. The coins don’t seem to resonate with Nebraskans with the images they find familiar with Boys Town. I even spoke to someone who identified himself as a Boys Town alumni, and he flatly stated he really disliked the designs.
There is also disappointment that Boys Town itself has made no effort to reach out to the local collecting community regarding the commems.
Add it all together and it appears that there is a lackluster interest in the Boys Town commemoratives from collectors in Boys Town’s own state.
What is that Bible verse? “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” Mark 6:4. It certainly appears to be true in this case. But we will see after March 9.
Mitch Ernst
Omaha, Neb.
Medals passed off as coins in advertisement in NN
As a 49-year-or-so steady subscriber, it pains me greatly to see the full-page ad on page 19 in the Feb. 14 issue for Make America Great “coins” at $295 for a set of 12 from the American National Mint. These pieces are medals, of course, not coins. There isn’t even a mention of their metallic content. The person who accepted this ad as is was no doubt more interested in their possible commission than the financial harm that would be caused to anyone foolish enough to buy these “coins.” Everyone working in the advertising department should be told the difference between a coin, token and a medal; perhaps by you.
I hope I do not see any more ads for “coins” like these medals again in your paper!
Name withheld
This article was originally printed in Numismatic News. >> Subscribe today.
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