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Doubled price delays silver and gold check

I had an email confirmation this morning to confirm my travel plans to Denver on Wednesday to attend the American Numismatic Association National Money Show.

It is standard nowadays for these advance notifications to pop into my email and I did not even both to read it.

Then I got a phone call from the ad department.

Sue Konkel apparently had glanced through her notification and telephoned me.

“Were you double billed, too?”

“Huh?” I responded.

“Look at the dollar amount at the bottom of your emailed message,” she instructed.

“OK,” I replied.

By golly, the amount was more than twice what I expected to be there.

“Look’s like it,” I said.

“I’m going to call somebody,” she said.

“OK.” I hung up.

Then I read a little closer.

The extra sum added to the gross amount was the estimated cost of the hotel.

That is new feature. I tried to telephone Sue, but she was on the other line.

If she was making her call, I expect she will find out what I had just figured out.

With that 30 seconds of excitement, I am off and running on a new week.

Then it was on to checking gold and silver prices to see what reaction they were having to the French election.