Susan Taylor Receives Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Engraving and Design
Susan Taylor, past President of the Medallic Art Society of Canada (MASC) and the current Canadian Vice Delegate for Fédération Internationale de Médaille (FIDEM), is spending her time creating beautiful art medals these days, but her inspired work engraving and designing coins over a 33 year career with the Royal Canadian Mint (RCM) stands as a stunning contribution to the art of the coin. You may note that her Peace design from the hugely popular Peace and Liberty medal she created with John Mercanti in 2019, is still being used by the RCM on coin issues, including one that was nominated in the recently released 40th COTY 100. Taylor’s career in coinage began at the RCM in 1981 when she became an Engraver working with oil based clay and waxed plaster. When Taylor retired from the mint in 2017 as Senior Engraver she had adapted to many new technologies and championed the pathway to a modern age of digital design. It is our great pleasure to award Susan Taylor the COTY Lifetime Achievement Award.
The following is an acceptance speech from Taylor.