Celtic Coins Found in Maastricht
Metal Detector Discovers Gold & Silver in Maastricht
A nice grouping of Celtic gold and silver coinswere uncovered over the past half yearoutside Maastricht in a farmers field. One lucky metal dectecting treasure hunter, Paul Curfs, first located one gold coinlast spring and since then, many more have been located in the same area by a group of Archaeologists and metal detector enthusiastsworking side by side.
All together 39 gold and 70 silver coinswere uncovered, the major portion of which will go on display this week at Centre Ceramique Museum in Maastricht, Amsterdam, Netherlands. It's wonderfully encouraging to have Archaeologists and Hobbyists working together on historical numismatic finds such as this and I would hope that we will see more such efforts in the future!
Archaeologists lend the insight that the two coin types from this cache were struck while the various Celtic Tribesfought against Julius Ceasar. The silver coins are from a different Tribe than the gold pieces, which may back up the idea that Celtic Tribesbanded together for strength in their defense against the Roman armies of Ceasar.
For more information on Celtic coins, contact Liz Cottam the Celtic expert at Chris Rudd Coins at www.celticcoins.com If you ask, I'm sure Liz will be happy to send you a free catalogue of Celtic coins for sale from this most respected firm.