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Community Voice Responses (Oct. 3, 2017)

From the Sept. 8 Numismatic News E-Newsletter:


Should Treasury Secretary Mnuchin keep Andrew Jackson on the $20?

Here are some answers sent from our e-newsletter readers to Editor Dave Harper.

Most definitely yes! Regardless of any individual’s contribution to our society, nobody but Liberty or past presidents should be honored on our currency. If an example of political correctness dictating other persons being depicted on our coins or currency is necessary, just look at the recent dismal failures of the Sacajawea and/or Susan B. Anthony dollar coins. Enough with the social engineering experiments already!

Alan Anderson
Tucson, Ariz.

Why mess with the history already in place long before you or I thought of this question? I understand that all influential people male or female should be recognized. I pose this question: Should we pass judgment on Michelangelo for depicting God as a Caucasian male on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? He lay on his back how long to paint this fresco? And legend has it a piece of it is still not finished even. Thanks for your time and a useful publication!

Pete Cappola
Cattaraugus, N.Y.

No. An agreement was reached by Sec. Lew and it should be honored.

James J. O’Connell III
Westminster, Calif.

No. Jackson was anti-bank notes (currency) and if he should have a place of honor, it would be a gold coin. Put Harriet Tubman on the twenty. The symbolism will go a long way for all of us.

Wesley Ellis
Portland, Ore.

Enough already! Small, vocal groups of protesters are trying to change history with their insistence on removing symbols of our past, good or bad. Leave these symbols alone so everyone can learn from them and perhaps not repeat our mistakes. Leave Andrew be.

Jim Hatch
Windcrest, Texas

Yes, Jackson should remain on the Twenty Dollar Bill. Harriet Tubman is a laudatory person, honor her, but keep Jackson on the Twenty. Thank you for allowing me to express my opinion.

Raymond E Anderson
Moscow, Idaho

Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!

These flavor of the day loony Libs can’t change everything they think MIGHT offend them.

You can’t erase history as much as they try.

Ernie Lurvey
Marshfield, Wis.

Change it!

Gary G. Allen
Annapolis, Md.

Do we want to politicize our money?

When the Susan B Anthony dollar was introduced, years were needed for the coin to gain universal recognition and never really received popular acceptance. If Jackson is removed, the same problems could resurface. The difficulties created by any design modification are valid objections to opposing change. Not liking a design is subjective and political.

Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill is recognized worldwide. A long time would be needed before merchants in China or Italy would learn to recognize a new design on a $20 bill. Initially, the new bills would be suspect as counterfeit.

I happen to like change. I am thrilled every time circulating coinage changes. If citizens want to see Harriet Tubman on their money, I applaud the decision. But, using Harriet Tubman would be a political decision because of the present design controversy.

Some citizens would prefer more artistic money and fewer political designs. Imagine a Walking Liberty image on a $20 bill instead of someone’s face. That type of design would be more universally accepted and less subject to political controversy.

Bruce R Frohman
Modesto Calif.

Yes, I believe that Andrew Jackson should be kept on the $20 bill.

John C. Kozimbo
Westfield, N.J.

Munchkin [sic] can do whatever he wants. I don’t care.

Max Stucky
Colorado Springs, Colo.

Andrew Jackson, more than anyone else aside from George Washington, should be on American money, as he is the father of the United States having real money, successfully fighting off Biddle and the deceptive bankers longer than any other president, instead of a fiat based currency based on nothing but good faith like we have today. Those wanting to remove him from the twenty are either ignorant of our history, don’t like our history, or are just caught up in the change-is-better movement so many unwisely adhere to in present society because reading is too difficult and what they want has nothing to do with what is right, constitutional, or good for them. A democratic republic only works when the citizens are educated in the truth, not believing falsehoods, and are of virtuous character. Unfortunately, those days are gone.

Richard Koch
Address withheld

Andrew Jackson was a true patriot and strategist who prevent the Brits from taking New Orleans. There is no reason whatsoever to remove him from the $20 bill.

Charles Ginetto
Address withheld

Has anyone recognized how our paper money is produced? It is printed on a 32-subject sheet now, or soon, a 50-subject sheet, before it is cut apart to individual notes. This would allow for many different personages. We could celebrate many important and historical American women and possibly have room left over for Madonna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and so forth.

William Izzo
Address withheld

Yes, absolutely. President Andrew Jackson should remain on the $20 bill!

The move to replace him was political correctness over-reach by the previous administration.

There is no need to change the bill from the former President!

I, for one, will be more than happy to carry many “Jacksons” in my wallet!

F.A. Danitz
Address withheld

It IS long overdue to eliminate Jackson on this note.

Carmen D. Valentino
Address withheld

I may have sent you a text on this issue once before, but I notice that we seem to put only presidents on our money.

I think if we tried that we could find many other individuals who have as much right to be on our money. In two hundred years, we’ve had many individuals who deserve to be on our money.

I do not want to sound like our presidents do not deserve the privileges we give them, they do, but shouldn’t we also recognize those others who have help our country grow.

Bob D. Allen
Address withheld

Keep Jackson.

Robert Donaldson
Address withheld

Keep the Paper money as is. Don’t we have enough things to worry about other than changing the faces on our paper money? What a government waste of time, energy and thought. These bureaucrats have nothing else better to do. Fire them all! Maybe they should then divert thought and energy to emergency preparedness for storms like we are currently being blasted with. A better system of getting essentials like shelter, food, water, medicine and gasoline to needed areas. How about the lead in the water in Michigan and in other parts of our country? It’s a disgrace that our government officials have allowed the infrastructure of dams, highways, waterways, bridges, railroads, sewer systems, water systems that haven’t advanced since the 1950s! Since the 1950s!! 70 years later and no upgrades or progress. Other countries across the globe have far surpassed the US in investments in infrastructure, transportation, and public works.

Robert Matitia
Address withheld

Yes, keep Jackson.

Ralph Behringer
Address withheld

Get him off the $ 20 bill; replace with Martin Luther King.

John Lesko
Address withheld

Yes. Without question he should remain on the $20.

Dwayne Helmuth
Temecula, Calif.

Why not rotate the face on the $20 every two years or so. Andrew Jackson, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and maybe three others could all be used. Use all of the new faces, then return to Jackson for a cycle, and re-start the rotation again. This keeps the purists and those who prefer some change happy, and it keeps the engravers/artists busy, too.

Ross MacCallum
Address withheld

Time for him to go.

Dave Brunning
Address withheld

Jackson was chosen to be removed because he was a slave holder. Is Washington Next? There is nothing wrong with our money the way it is. Jackson was a great soldier and President.

Name withheld

This article was originally printed in Numismatic News. >> Subscribe today.

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