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Community Voice Responses (November 6, 2018)

From the Oct. 12 Numismatic News E-Newsletter:


Will you check your 2007 proof dollar sets for edge rarity?

Here are some answers sent from our e-newsletter readers to Editor Dave Harper.

What, and bust up the lenses of this year, for a remote chance of striking it rich? As far as the value goes, anybody can ask any price they want. The trick is getting some buyer to agree.

That being said, I have this wonderful orange leaf that fell off my maple tree yesterday. It is beautiful, with red and green dots and streaks. It is unique, and since it is the only one like it in the entire universe, I am asking only $46,397 for it. I will even get it slabbed and authenticated at my expense if the buyer desires.

Bob Fritsch
Nashua, N.H.

Yes, I certainly will. I attended the Jefferson dollar first-day release ceremony at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. The Mint offered a complementary uncirculated Jefferson dollar that day to each of the attending Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops.

The rest of the attending public, including myself, had to buy them at face value by the roll. No proofs were available at the ceremony. On the walk back to the Washington, D.C., subway at the end of the ceremonies, I caught a flicker of yellow light from the grassy lawns between the various memorials in downtown Washington, D.C. I investigated and picked from the grass a shining uncirculated Jefferson dollar. I believe I may have found one of the first released – and first lost – Jefferson Presidential dollars. Most likely lost by one of those scouts walking back to the D.C. subway system.

Jack Schadegg
Silver Spring, Md.

No need for me to check, since I don’t have such a set. Sorry! Maybe I’ll check the few I do have, just in case I do have some rarity of some sort.

Gary Kess
Sherman, Texas

Yes, I will check.

Name withheld

This article was originally printed in Numismatic News. >> Subscribe today.

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